IPRNE, LLC – ITB Minority/Women Sub Quotes
Project – Allegheny County Sanitary Authority, Pittsburgh, PA (ALCOSAN) – Contract No. 1725 CIPP Rehabilitation of the Lower Saw Mill Run Interceptor
Bids – November 17th, 2020
Quotes Returned – November 13th, 2020 – COB
Scopes Needed:
- Clean/CCTV-42” & 48” sanitary sewer lines
- Bypass- Turnkey
- Traffic Control- Lane Closures, Flaggers, Signs & cones, etc
- Manhole Rehabilitation
- Cementitious Lining with Epoxy Overcoat Manhole Rehabilitation (Brick Manholes); Epoxy Manhole Rehabilitation (Concrete Manholes)
- Stopping Leaks-
- Avanti Grouts AV-275 or approved equal ;
- Avanti Grouts – AV-202 Multi-Grout, Prime ResinsPrime Flex 900 XLV, DeNeef- Hydro Active Flex L V, BASF- Masterinject 1210 IUG or approved equal
- A vanti Grouts A V-248 Flexseal L V with A V-249 Catalyst L V or approved equal.
- Resurfacing Materials-
- A.W. Cook Cement, CEMTEC Hydraulic Cement, Strong-Seal® Strong-Plug® or approved equal.
- A.W. Cook Cement, CEMTEC Silatec Rapid Cure Vertical Grade or approved equal.
- A.W. Cook Cement, CEMTEC Silatec MSM, Strong-Seal MS2A, MS2C or approved equal.
- A.W. Cook Cement, CEMTEC Silatec CAM, StrongSeat QSR or approved equivalent
- Epoxy Resin / Polymer Based Liner Material-
- Sherwin-Williams Dura-Plate 6100 High Physical Strength Epoxy or approved equal
- Stopping Leaks-
- Cementitious Lining with Epoxy Overcoat Manhole Rehabilitation (Brick Manholes); Epoxy Manhole Rehabilitation (Concrete Manholes)
- GPS & Inspection of Manholes and Structures
- Permanent Bituminous Pavement Restoration (All Types)
- Concrete Paving Base and Pavement (w/ Reinforcement)
- Temporary Cold Patch
- Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway and Curbing Replacement
- Landscape Restoration
- Replace Castings as Directed
- Pre-Cast Extension of Brick Manhole
- Non-Structural Grouting for Joints and Pipe Connections
- Heavy Cleaning with Hydrovac
- Hydrophilic Grouting of Sewer Manholes
- 72″ Pre-Cast Doghouse Manhole, 20′ Depth
- Hauling
- Landscape
- Erosion Control
Supplier: Asphalt, Concrete, Precast Manhole
The use of area newspapers that serve minority or women’s groups for
advertising for contracts when work permits.
Specs/Plans – Sherrie Sommerville (832-948-4541)
IPR Request