PennDOT Issues Request for Qualifications for Major Bridge P3 Initiative
The Public-Private Transportation Partnership Office is inviting the private sector to submit their qualifications to compete for the opportunity to enter into a progressive public-private partnership (P3) with PennDOT to administer the Major Bridge P3 Initiative.
The private development entity chosen for the P3 will enter into a pre-development agreement to design, build, finance, and maintain one or more bridge packages. Each package will include select bridges and associated infrastructure, including tolling infrastructure, gantry structures and toll buildings for each bridge. The department continues to evaluate and conduct public involvement and environmental reviews on the candidate bridges announced for consideration in February.
Interested proposers must submit an electronic copy of their statement of qualifications to design, build, finance, and maintain major interstate or expressway bridges and associated roadway and tolling infrastructure to PennDOT Public-Private Transportation Partnership Office as instructed in the Request for Qualifications document by 11:00 AM on Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Parties can view submission requirements on the “Major Bridges Program” page at
Click to Access Bulletin:
P3 Bulletin
Click access to the Major Bridge P3 Program, Request for Qualifications, and additional RFQ Documents:
Major Bridge P3 Program