5G Rail Vehicle Routers – 21-00117-ADWC
21-00117-ADWC Bid Opening: 5G Rail Vehicle Routers
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (“SEPTA”) will accept competitive sealed bids exclusively through SEPTA’s eProcurement System.
All contract specific documents relevant to the solicitation, i.e. specifications, plans, pre-bid meeting, due dates and addenda, can be found on SEPTA’s eProcurement System at: https://epsadmin.septa. org/vendor/login/.
In order to access the bid documents you must be registered on the ePS through septa.org. If you have not already done so, please go to septa.org website: http://www.septa.org/ business/eps/index.html and register. Registration instructions, SEPTA’s Terms & Conditions, and Video Tutorials can all be found on this site.
When attending any meeting at SEPTA Headquarters, 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA., please be aware of the security procedures for access to building. All visitors are required to sign-in at the front desk located in the lobby area and to provide photo identification. Please allow adequate time for these security procedures when attending any meetings in the building.
Bid Opening: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 10:00am – 10:30am
Contract Administrator: Dustin Cotton
Email: dcotton@septa.org
Please contact the Contract Administrator with any questions.