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USDOT to Host Public Meetings on the Justice40 Initiative

USDOT to Host Public Meetings on the Justice40 Initiative

To advance the Biden-Harris Administration’s climate goals, including the Justice40 Initiative, the U.S. Department of Transportation will host two virtual public meetings in November. Justice 40, detailed in President Biden’s Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad Executive Order, calls on federal agencies, such as FTA, to deliver 40 percent of the overall benefits of relevant federal investments to disadvantaged communities.

During these interactive meetings, senior USDOT leaders will explain the Justice40 Initiative and solicit feedback from participants. Both sessions will be open to the public, but content will differ based on the expected prior knowledge of participants. Members of impacted communities are encouraged to participate, as are potential USDOT funding recipients such as state, regional, and local government agencies, tribal nations, academic institutions, community-based, nonprofit, and private-sector organizations.

Review the session descriptions below and register to attend one or both sessions:

Session #1: On November 9, from 12:00pm ET– 1:00pm ET, USDOT will host the first session in a two-part interactive series on the Justice40 initiative. This session will introduce the Justice40 initiative and discuss the benefits that transportation investments can bring to disadvantaged communities. Register

Session #2: On November 16, from 12:00pm ET– 1:30pm ET, USDOT will host the second session in a two-part interactive series on the Justice40 initiative. This session will ask participants to provide input on the types of data and metrics that USDOT can use to develop a framework for transportation programs impacting communities. Register

Justice40 Initiative
Executive Order (EO) 14008
Virtual Public Meetings
Session #1 Registration
Session #2 Registration