Harrisburg, PA
Harrisburg, PA
Allentown, PA
Erie, PA
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
833.PENN.DBE or (833) 736-6323  Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00PM 1821 Fulton St., ProRank Suite, Harrisburg, PA 17102
855.PRO.RANK or (855) 776-7265 Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00PM
855.PRO.RANK or (855) 776-7265 Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00PM
855.PRO.RANK or (855) 776-7265 Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00PM 1821 Fulton St., Suite 201A, Harrisburg, PA 17102
855.PRO.RANK or (855) 776-7265 Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00PM

BUCKLEY & COMPANY, INC. – Solicitation for DBE Partcipation – PennDOT ECMS 16599 – Bid Date: 9/3/2020 – DBE Quotes Due by 9/2/2020!

3401 Moore Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145
(T) 215-334-7500 X229 (KATHY)  (F) 215-465-9211


Pa DOT ECMS 16599
PA 320
Project Bid Date:  Thursday, September 3, 2020
DBE Quotes Must be Received by Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Re:  We are bidding the above project and are soliciting quotes from qualified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), who are subcontractors, manufacturers, regular dealers, service providers or trucking firms, certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT).

Items  Needed for this project : MPT, Rebar, Trucking ,Asphalt , Concrete Supply, Curb and Sidewalks, Striping,

Project Description – The description and location of the project is as follows: relocation of SR 320, construction of a retaining wall, installation of concrete barrier, guide rail, storm sewers, and other miscellaneous construction, all as indicated on the drawings approved for STATE ROUTE 320, SECTION M07, in MONTGOMERY COUNTY UPPER MERION TOWNSHIP from approximately Upper Gulph

Road at segment 0020 offset 0651 to approximately Arden Road at segment 0020 offset 02788..

Scope of Work – We are soliciting quotes  for :

Plans, Specs & Contract Requirements – Interested parties can view the Plans, Specifications and Contract Requirements at our Philadelphia office (address above), or download them from PennDOT’s website (www.dot14.state.pa.us/ECMS/) by searching via the project’s ECMS number 16599 under the website’s “Solicitation” section.

WE up loaded the drawings on Buckley’s server                      ftp://buckleyftp.isysair.com/

ID: 16599        Password: 16599

Please contact us and we will have someone available to review the Plans, Specifications and Contract Requirements with you and assist you with any questions.

Quoting ___________       Not Quoting ___________

Quoting MPT ______     rebar  ________    dump trucking: _______  concrete______  Guide rail_____ striping______  curb and sidewalk________  Asphalt  ______

Quoting Other ________________________________________________________________________________

NOTE: If you will be quoting the project as a regular dealer, please complete the attached PennDOT DBE Regular Dealer Verification Form (E0-355) and return the completed form to us.

Very truly yours,

BUCKLEY & COMPANY, INC.(an Equal Opportunity Employer)  Kathryn Buckley